Meanings of Abbreviations & Acronyms

 Entries here are generally prefixed by letters indicating categories of the citations.

AI = April Island

BKS = Books of all kinds referenced in other sites and works

BNW = Books not written for various reasons

CKT = Cream King Trove

EXP  = Exposition or Explanation

FAV = Favorite lacunae of all sorts

IMG = Image Files, usually created by author

LSITE = Lost Websites, of which fragments remain

MSQ = Manuscript quotes and/or historical MS texts/fragments

PIX! = Photos & Graphics swiped from the Internet for their content or use in custom graphics

PIX? = Photos and graphics by author & others whose original intended use/ID is now a mystery

SLF = Selfies, from vain to prime to obscure to strange

STP = Statistical Probability

TEK = Technology

UND = Undernet

UND/B = Undernet Black

VNC = Vennich Manuscripts

VID/P = Punk-related videos & audio recordings

VID/RL = Laird-related videos & audio recordings

VVV = Vignettes, Verses, and Vagaries

WMN = Women, all kinds, mostly clothed

WMNn  = Women, all kinds, mostly unclothed (DYLINOE*)

*DYLINOE = Don’t You Look If Not Old Enough
